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Transform data chaos into strategic insights

Company Knowledge
Build the source of truth for your company

AI Enterprise Search
Find anything, anywhere

AI Assistants
Create AI Assistants that fully grasp your business

Intelligent WorkflowsHOT
Eliminate tedious tasks like never before

Connect over 100 apps 

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Smart DAM: Fully Integrated

Always on brand, always on point, always up to date.

The first Enterprise Search Intelligence solution that integrates with a smart digital asset management system.

Learn more here >

Learning Intelligence CTA for We Brand

Know for sales teams - Unlocking knowledge, unlocking potential

Knowz makes teams work better:



Human Resources


Everyday Assistants





Your Next-Gen Platform for Digital Asset Management

Tomorrow's innovation, the best alternative to OCM

Discover the revolutionary capabilities of core DAM features, seamlessly integrate with third-party apps, and benefit from robust API support. Revel in easy editing tools, design automation, workflows, and translation built-in—all driven by a securely ring-fenced AI, revolutionizing user access to information tailored specifically to their roles.

OCM Header Image

Shaping your future with Knowz

Your Concerns, our solutions. Knowz is meticulously crafted to meet and exceed the robust functionalities of Oracle OCM, ensuring that your migration is not just a change, but an upgrade in every aspect of digital asset management.
Advanced DAM

Effortlessly organize, search & distribute with ease

  • All your digital assets in one place: Text, fonts, brand color palettes, images, videos, and all other documents.

  • Advanced categorization and dynamic tagging: To streamline your business processes.
  • Customized content access: Provide your team with convenient, on-demand access to the content they need.
Advance DAM (1)
Access & Permissions Control
Access & Permissions Control

Control access & usage rights

  • Granular control: Over user access rights, permissions, and roles to ensure data security and confidentiality.
  • Secure access and permissions: Peace of mind with role-based, relevant asset visibility. Create a seamless collaboration environment through precise access and permissions control.
  • Effortless collaboration: Empower team members to seamlessly share, review, and approve assets. Streamline workflows, boost communication, and enhance efficiency within the DAM system.
Workflow & Collaboration tools

Boost productivity & streamlined workflows

  • Efficient task management: Efficiently manage and track tasks, including assigning tasks, and monitoring progress to ensure smooth workflow execution. 
  • Approval workflows: Streamline the review and approval process by establishing predefined workflows. This includes routing assets to appropriate stakeholders for review, feedback, and final approval, ensuring a structured and timely approval process.

  • Notifications: Automatic notifications to keep users informed, approaching deadlines, or pending approvals, ensuring timely completion of tasks, and promoting accountability.

Task management
Elevate Brading
Brand Consistent & Asset Control

Govern branding with asset management governance control

  • Consistent branding: Control asset distribution rights to maintain brand integrity and consistency, ensuring adherence to brand guidelines.

  • Confident growth: Our scalable solutions support asset library expansion and evolving organizational needs, empowering seamless growth with efficient control and accessibility.

  • Automate asset updates: Say goodbye to time wasted manually changing assets in multiple documents. Make changes once, and automate reflection across thousands of files, saving time and effort in asset management.

Compare Knowz vs Oracle OCM

All-in-One DAM, Editing, Workflow, & Translation for Global Brand Governance.
Brand asset management ✓ 
Digital asset management ✓  Basic
Bulk asset replacement Global assets & designs Assets
Brand template portal ✓ 
Template creation & editor ✓ 
Template restrictions  Market leader  Limited
Design import capabilities PDF, InDesign & Figma
Auto design tools Auto-populate single & multiple designs
Built on SVG
Translation manager & auto-translations ✓ Limited
Self-service portal: clients & partners
Self-service portal: public (UGC
Mobile App, built for templating Full capability Limited

Change to the leading DAM provider

Join a platform that’s more than just an alternative to Oracle OCM. Embrace a future where digital asset management is smart, integrated, and perfectly aligned with your business needs.

Seamless oracle migration

  • Migration process: Transition smoothly with our proven one-click integration capabilities.
  • Seamless continuation: Our Exclusive Oracle Alliance ensures a migration experience that seamlessly integrates with the Oracle ecosystem.

Security & Compliance

  • Robust data protection: Ensure the utmost security of your assets with advanced protection measures.
  • Global compliance assurance: Rest easy knowing that our platform adheres to rigorous global regulatory standards

Advanced asset management

  • Advanced content capabilities: From AI-driven insights to global collaboration tools, experience features that go beyond traditional DAM.
  • Intuitive user experience: Navigate and manage assets with an interface designed for efficiency and ease.

Scalable for your future

  • Grow with Confidence: Our platform scales with your business, ensuring performance and reliability.
  • Adaptable Capabilities: Seamlessly handle expanding content volumes and complex tasks as your operations grow and evolve.

Connect with ease: The power of Knowz's universal connectors

Integrate seamlessly with over 100 native and API applications, streamlining your workflow into a cohesive process. Experience unmatched data synchronization and control, securely ring-fenced within Knowz's powerful Digital Asset Management environment, ensuring content, permissions, and activities are perfectly aligned.
Slack logo
Salesforce logo
Hubspot logo
Photoshop logo
Microsoft Office PowerPoint logo

Where your DAM learns what you need

The only DAM platform revolutionized by generative intelligence that learns from you. Knowz addresses provide a secure DAM solution with ringfenced data and file protection, whilst giving you the power to train AI and protect all assets access within a protected environment.

  • Learning intelligence system: Knowz actively extracts information and learns from your documents, and all your connected apps continuously enriching a living knowledge base to give you the precise information you need from your company's source of truth when you need it.
  • Teamwork & AI assistants: Provide an interface for your users to get exact information via bots, APIs, portals, and voice.
  • Brand governance & compliance: Uphold sterling brand uniformity with real-time updated data and full permissions on templates, training your AI and user governance protocols.
Deploy our Learned Intelligence for revolutionary knowledge powers
Unlock Innovation: Keep Reading, Keep Discovering.
Step into The Future of Digital Asset Management with Knowz
As Oracle OCM phases out, step into a future where digital asset management is not just about storage, but about intelligent, integrated solutions.
Publishing Channels

Maximizing Impact through publishing channels

  • Wide-reaching Distribution: Seamlessly deliver assets across various platforms, reaching audiences on websites, apps, social media, and more.
  • Versatile Channel Engagement: Engage audiences through multiple platforms, optimizing content delivery and expanding your brand's visibility.
  • Streamlined Content Dissemination: Eficiently distribute assets across publishing channels for fast and effective content dissemination.
Publishing Channels

Bridge borders: global reach with multilingual support

  • Multilingual asset support: Efficiently manage assets in multiple languages to effectively target diverse markets and regions.
  • Streamlined translation workflows: Enable seamless collaboration, assignment, and tracking of translation tasks to ensure accurate and timely translations.
  • Integration with translation tools: Seamlessly connect with popular translation tools for smooth data exchange and enhanced translation efficiency.

Asset & User Data Reports + AI

Transform Insights into action: Unleashing the power of data

  • Comprehensive Analytics: analytics capabilities that provide in-depth insights into asset performance, user behavior, engagement metrics, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the effectiveness of marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions.
  • Smart Automation: delegate mundane tasks to AI, freeing up time for creativity and strategic planning.
  • Data-Driven Insights: harness AI for valuable insights, augmenting decision-making and asset optimization.
