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Transform data chaos into strategic insights

Company Knowledge
Build the source of truth for your company

AI Enterprise Search
Find anything, anywhere

AI Assistants
Create AI Assistants that fully grasp your business

Intelligent WorkflowsHOT
Eliminate tedious tasks like never before

Connect over 100 apps 

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Smart DAM: Fully Integrated

Always on brand, always on point, always up to date.

The first Enterprise Search Intelligence solution that integrates with a smart digital asset management system.

Learn more here >

Learning Intelligence CTA for We Brand

Know for sales teams - Unlocking knowledge, unlocking potential

Knowz makes teams work better:



Human Resources


Everyday Assistants





Keep customers smiling with revolutionary support

Keep clients updated with your enterprise's collective intelligence. Craft AI Support Experts, as knowledgeable as your top employee, tailored with the essential knowledge and integrated with your Company’s Knowledge Base—your truth source. Streamline operations with Knowz's AI workflow builder and usher in a new efficiency era.

Keep customers smiling with revolutionary support

Harness company knowledge power

Knowz is your go-to Enterprise Intelligence hub, where all your company's knowledge is not only stored in one secure, up-to-date place but also shared accurately across your organization.

Simplify by organizing essential support documents and client information, then seamlessly distribute it through AI Assistants for diverse tasks.

Harness company knowledge power (1)
Knowz for support - Answer fast, act faster_ stay ahead with real-time answers (1)

Respond more, in less time, with up-to-date information

Long gone are the days of prolonged waiting times for responses. Stop your team from wasting time sifting through files offer accurate answers in real-time and respond to clients within seconds.

Teach your AI Assistants the knowledge you want and team them up with the groups they'll best support—ensuring it's all accessible to just the right people.

  • Cut down response times dramatically.
  • Provide instant, yet personalized, support.
  • Keep your customer satisfaction scores soaring.

Immediate, AI-driven insights from your integrated platforms

Your support team gets spot-on answers right when they need them, cutting down on those pesky interruptions and making help sessions zoom by.

Imagine all the smart info from your Company Knowledge Base popping up directly in your CRM, email, slack and more —just like that, the perfect piece of knowledge is always just a quick click away.

Immediate, AI-driven insights from your integrated platforms (1)

All your favorite tools integrate with Knowz!

Slack logo
Salesforce logo
Hubspot logo
Photoshop logo
Microsoft Office PowerPoint logo

The power of Knowz for your support team

Support Agents

  • Stop system-hopping for answers.
  • Get tips for faster ticket closure.
  • Cut research time with AI search.

Support Managers

  • Syncs reps with fresh guides.
  • Targets repeat issues to improve knowledge.
  • Quicken new hire onboarding.

Support Directors

  • Consolidates knowledge materials.
  • Applies customer insights.
  • Reduces onboarding and training costs.

Not just to solve tickets, you're personalizing the solution

Farewell to the era of uninspired bots; welcome a new dawn where AI Assistants are as knowledgeable about your company as your best employee, minus the monotonous setups of yesteryears.

  • Choose what Knowz learns: Pick the knowledge you want it to have, making it as smart as you need.
  • Guide its growth: You decide how the AI improves and evolves.
  • Automate: Set it up to automatically send emails, create reports, or whatever you want to automate, using the knowledge it has.
Know Enterprise Intelligence - Discover information instantly, the power of Knowz - All your company data in one place (1)

Revolutionize support

 In the dynamic world of customer support, Knowz stands as a beacon of innovation. Through intelligent AI Assistants and Workflows, it redefines what it means to retain happy customers.

With Knowz, you step into a new era of customer support characterized by rapid, accurate, and immensely satisfying experiences that are not just supported, but cherished.

Knowz_ Discovery Power in your hand (1)