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Transform data chaos into strategic insights

Company Knowledge
Build the source of truth for your company

AI Enterprise Search
Find anything, anywhere

AI Assistants
Create AI Assistants that fully grasp your business

Intelligent WorkflowsHOT
Eliminate tedious tasks like never before

Connect over 100 apps 

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Smart DAM: Fully Integrated

Always on brand, always on point, always up to date.

The first Enterprise Search Intelligence solution that integrates with a smart digital asset management system.

Learn more here >

Learning Intelligence CTA for We Brand

Know for sales teams - Unlocking knowledge, unlocking potential

Knowz makes teams work better:



Human Resources


Everyday Assistants





Intelligent Workflows: Let's task handle themselves

Leap into efficiency with Knowz's AI-powered Workflow Builder—a breakthrough in eliminating tedious tasks and supercharging company growth. Automate tasks seamlessly from start to finish, running them asynchronously for a more efficient, streamlined workday.

Structure brilliance_ where every byte finds its place - Knowz (1)

You're not just using AI, you're designing it

Take any process, no matter how intricate, and transform it into an automated workflow that operates seamlessly within your organization. By using the power of artificial intelligence, you can automate areas by teaching it what information to learn and how to apply it to produce an output.

  • Choose knowledge: Directly decide what Knowz learns, tailor-fitting its intelligence.
  • Shape its learning: You set the learning curve, customizing the AI's growth path.
  • Let it take action: Using the predefined knowledge path, send an email to a specific person or create a report.
AI Automated Workflow_ Integrated into your processes - Home Page
Fortified foundations_ Knowzs security-first approach

How it works in action

Let’s dive into some use case examples to show you the real power of using Ai and Knowz Workflow’s builder: 

  • Automate Sales: Tailor Knowz to extract data from your CRM, research lead information such as websites or LinkedIn, generate a profile report, and send a sales email based on all this information
  • Automate Support: Connect Knowz to the client's questions, allowing it to search your company knowledge base for answers and respond on your behalf.
  • Automate Marketing: Inject to Knowz your blog post, company voice, and brand strategy and create a social media post for you in one go.
  • Automate Anything!: Program Knowz to handle any specific task, streamlining your unique workflow seamlessly.

Easy setup, turn it on, achieve!

Jumpstart your workflow, no expertise is needed. With Knowz's intuitive Workflow Builder, setting up your process is a breeze,

No experience required:
Implement workflows with our drag-and-drop board. Design your processes with intuitive ease, turning complex setups into straightforward, automated tasks ready to revolutionize your productivity.

Define data:
Integrate diverse data sources, from the ability to choose from your company knowledge base or external apps, you ensure every workflow is triggered by the most relevant and enriched inputs, enhancing decision-making and efficiency.

Select how it learns and the order:
Select the documents and data points your workflows consult at each turn. This precise control guarantees that every action is informed by the right knowledge, significantly boosting the effectiveness and accuracy of your decisions.

Automate your task:
Whether it's dispatching personalized notifications, crafting emails, or generating essential documents and reports, Knowz empowers you to design actions that perfectly align with your unique operational needs, ensuring productivity.

Knowz & your favorite tools

Unlock seamless integration with over 100 native and API applications, making Knowz an integral part of your workflow. Whether you're seeking to enrich your company's knowledge base or find answers on the fly, Knowz streamlines your process into a cohesive and efficient operation. 
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Salesforce logo
Hubspot logo
Photoshop logo
Microsoft Office PowerPoint logo

Keeping track without the sweat

Incorporate collaboration into your workflows to keep all team members informed and actively participating in essential processes, fostering unity and productivity.

  • Efficient alerts: Automate notifications to timely inform your team, balancing critical updates and essential reminders, keeping everyone aligned and proactive.
  • Customized notification clarity: Experience a personalized notification feed designed to streamline your focus. Get alerts and tasks matched to your priorities, ensuring you never miss what's truly important.
  • Efficient task management: Automate and prioritize tasks for seamless action and oversight, ensuring deadlines are met and responsibilities are managed.
    With Knowz, every team member becomes a vital part of a synchronized system, driving projects forward with clarity and precision.
Know Enterprise Intelligence - Discover information instantly, the power of Knowz - All your company data in one place (1)

From AI to Z: Knowz powers your discovery

Unlock company-wide intelligence: Say goodbye to the days of hunting down documents and misinterpretations—Knowz turns every challenge into an opportunity for easy access and seamless communication.

Knowz_ Discovery Power in your hand (1)