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Transform data chaos into strategic insights

Company Knowledge
Build the source of truth for your company

AI Enterprise Search
Find anything, anywhere

AI Assistants
Create AI Assistants that fully grasp your business

Intelligent WorkflowsHOT
Eliminate tedious tasks like never before

Connect over 100 apps 

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Smart DAM: Fully Integrated

Always on brand, always on point, always up to date.

The first Enterprise Search Intelligence solution that integrates with a smart digital asset management system.

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Learning Intelligence CTA for We Brand

Know for sales teams - Unlocking knowledge, unlocking potential

Knowz makes teams work better:



Human Resources


Everyday Assistants





See Knowz's AI-Driven Search, AI Assistants & Intelligent Workflows in action

Still want to know more?

Search everything, everywhere, at every moment

Say goodbye to the chaotic information exchange with Knowz. From documents and emails to chat conversations and project tools - crafting a unified truth source. Unearth the unseen; discern connections, patterns, and insights previously hidden right before your eyes.
Marketing - Unlocking instant access to your companys intellectual resources

How Knowz's AI Assistants elevate every role


Enhance customer experiences with AI that swiftly resolve issues and personalizes interactions, elevating satisfaction and loyalty.

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Transform your sales process with assistants who know exactly when and how your team should reach out to prospects.

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Unleash the full potential of your campaigns with AI that understands your audience better than ever before.

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Human Resources

Revolutionize how you manage talent, from recruitment to retention, with AI that’s always one step ahead.

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Streamline every process, ensuring your operations run efficiently and effectively, day in and day out.



Turn your finance team into strategic heroes, with AI that not only crunches numbers but also uncovers insights that drive decisions.


A secure AI, controlled by you (1)

A secure AI, controlled by you

Update and organize your documentation and create the best version of your company's knowledge with Knowz. Revolutionize how your team accesses company information by drawing directly from your source of truth.

With Knowz, everyone only sees the information that is relevant to them and what they have access to. Dive into a world of secure, private, and verifiably accurate answers with Knowz, where trust and transparency shine in every interaction.

Knowz connects to all your favourite tools

Search across your apps, chats, & docs. Integrate seamlessly with over 100 native and API applications, streamlining your workflow into a cohesive process.
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Search No More, Knowz Better

Unlock company-wide intelligence: Say goodbye to the days of hunting down documents and misinterpretations—Knowz turns every challenge into an opportunity for easy access and seamless communication.

Knowz_ Discovery Power in your hand (1)