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Company Knowledge
Build the source of truth for your company

AI Enterprise Search
Find anything, anywhere

AI Assistants
Create AI Assistants that fully grasp your business

Intelligent WorkflowsHOT
Eliminate tedious tasks like never before

Connect over 100 apps 

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Smart DAM: Fully Integrated

Always on brand, always on point, always up to date.

The first Enterprise Search Intelligence solution that integrates with a smart digital asset management system.

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Learning Intelligence CTA for We Brand

Know for sales teams - Unlocking knowledge, unlocking potential

Knowz makes teams work better:



Human Resources


Everyday Assistants





Innovating law enforcement with AI technology

Streamlining operations with voice-activated insights, automated AI reporting, and real-time transcription, Knowz equips officers with the tools for faster, safer, and smarter decision-making. Empower your team with the future of public safety technology.

Innovating Law Enforcement with AI technology

Law Enforcement accelerated: Tomorrow's Police Today

The dawn of a new era in law enforcement is upon us, powered by the unparalleled capabilities of artificial intelligence. At Knowz, we understand that the future belongs to those who innovate — that's why we're delivering tomorrow's technology today.

Our AI-driven platform transforms police data management, not just as a tool but a revolution, designed to catapult law enforcement into a new dimension of swift decision-making, augmented safety, and predictive intelligence.

Law Enforcement accelerated: Tomorrow's Police Today
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Ride with Knowz Live: The future of in-car Police Intelligence

In the rapid pace of law enforcement, every second counts. Knowz Live serves as your in-car copilot, revolutionizing how information is delivered and accessed en route to an incident. Transforming raw data into actionable intelligence, Knowz Live ensures that officers receive concise, synthesized briefings without ever having to divert their focus from the road ahead.

  • Informed decision-making: Leverages comprehensive data for synthesized briefs before arrival at a scene.
  • Hands-free information: Voice-activated queries maintain officer safety and focus en route.
  • Accelerated response: Access to consolidated intelligence reduces post-incident follow-ups, protecting victim well-being.

Live AI-Powered Speech Recording & Sentiment Analysis

Instant Expert Guidance for Every Officer: Knowz Live enhances officer support through live advisories, sentiment analysis, and real-time transcription, enabling officers to handle sensitive situations effectively.

  • Enhanced Safety: Flags potential DV indicators and legal breaches to protect victims and officers.
  • Child Protection: Rapidly identifies vulnerable children for timely intervention.
  • Emotional Insight: Assesses emotional states to spot potential escalation risks.
  • Legal Compliance: Analyzes conversations in real-time for legal infractions.
  • Streamlined Communication: Improves interactions with checklists and advisories.
  • Efficient Reporting: Provides instant documentation with automated recording and transcription.
A secure AI, controlled by you

Revolutionizing Law Enforcement Operations

Boost officer focus

Minimize paperwork to enhance proactive operations.

Faster, informed responses

Real-time data prepares officers for swift action.

Safer, smarter operations

Live analysis and streamlined docs enhance safety and efficiency.

AI-powered report-writing software: Reduce hours of paperwork

Knowz's Dynamic Report Generator is not just an upgrade but a radical transformation in report generation, designed to cut paperwork time by over 90% while significantly improving report quality. This innovation boosts officer morale and minimizes legal missteps by integrating AI directly into the documentation process, streamlining task completion with smart templates for unprecedented productivity leaps.

  • Smart Templates: Pre-designed formats customize to meet the specific needs of various law enforcement activities, ensuring consistency and saving time.
  • AI-Powered Precision: AI algorithms analyze content for accuracy, flagging inconsistencies and ensuring every detail meets the highest standards of clarity and compliance.
  • Legal Compliance Ensured: Stay ahead of legal requirements with AI that understands and applies the latest regulations and guidelines to your documentation.
  • Effortless Efficiency: Reduce hours of administrative work to mere minutes, allowing officers to focus on core responsibilities rather than paperwork.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Secure, cloud-based access means your documents are available whenever and wherever you need them, streamlining collaboration and review processes.
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Intelligent Workflows Knowz & Police

Automate to Innovate: The breakthrough Knowz Command Centre

Step into the future of law enforcement with Knowz Command Centre. This revolutionary platform grants officers unparalleled investigative power and operational agility, wielding automation and AI to redefine the boundaries of police work.

  • Expanded investigative reach: Instantly analyze vast arrays of suspects and intricate details previously beyond reach.

  • Operational efficiency: Automate labor-intensive tasks, focusing officer efforts on critical decision-making.

  • Social media analysis: Automatically find matches and connections on social media, cutting down on the uncertainty of personal acquaintance or recognition.

  • Workflow automation: Leverage NLP AI for streamlined document creation and intelligent workflow management.

  • Crime AI Assistant agents: Deploy AI agents across various crime prevention areas for faster resolution and insights.

Unlock efficiency with AI smart document evolution:

Incident reports & Court Briefs

Arrest reports, Letters & Emails

Search Warrants & Applications

Bail Applications & Reports

Domestic violence protection orders

Mandatory conditions for DV orders

Statements & Affidavits

Enhanced transcription accuracy

Knowz connects to all your favourite tools

Search across your apps, chats, & docs. Integrate seamlessly with over 100 native and API applications, streamlining your workflow into a cohesive process.

Search No More, Knowz Better

Unlock company-wide intelligence: Say goodbye to the days of hunting down documents and misinterpretations—Knowz turns every challenge into an opportunity for easy access and seamless communication.

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