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Company Knowledge
Build the source of truth for your company

AI Enterprise Search
Find anything, anywhere

AI Assistants
Create AI Assistants that fully grasp your business

Intelligent WorkflowsHOT
Eliminate tedious tasks like never before

Connect over 100 apps 

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Smart DAM: Fully Integrated

Always on brand, always on point, always up to date.

The first Enterprise Search Intelligence solution that integrates with a smart digital asset management system.

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Learning Intelligence CTA for We Brand

Know for sales teams - Unlocking knowledge, unlocking potential

Knowz makes teams work better:



Human Resources


Everyday Assistants





Discover all your Confluence Knowledge within Knowz

Embark on a transformative journey where the vast expanse of Confluence knowledge is distilled into a single, accessible point through Knowz. Powered by advanced AI Search, we redefine the art of finding and leveraging information, making every search an opportunity for discovery and inspiration.

Discover all your Confluence Knowledge within Knowz

Unlock Knowledge, accelerate unity

This synergy unlocks instant access to the latest, most pertinent information, empowering your team to work smarter, together. With AI-driven search at your disposal, navigating through Confluence’s comprehensive knowledge becomes effortless, ensuring that every team member can contribute fully and effectively.

Knowz Connectors_ All your favorite tools integrate with Knowz! (1)
Marketing - Swift Insights, quicker decisions_ lead with live marketing answers

Create AI Assistants based on your Confluence knowledge

Introducing Knowz’s AI Assistants: your team’s shortcut to smart, Confluence-powered insights. Customize these intelligent guides with specific Confluence knowledge, then deploy them across teams for laser-focused information access. With role-aware visibility, ensure seamless, secure collaboration. Experience the power of information, precisely where it’s needed most.

Why do you need the Slack integration?

Smart Efficiency

Customized AI boosts team performance evenly.

Unified Knowledge

Share precisely what matters, enhancing teamwork.

Controlled Access

Ensure secure, role-specific information for everyone.

Knowzs Confluence within Slack (1)

Key features of Knowz-Confluence Integration

Unlock the full potential of your team's knowledge with the seamless integration between Knowz and Confluence.

  • Seamless Knowledge sync: Automatically import Confluence pages and documents into the Knowz Knowledge Base, ensuring up-to-date information is always available.
  • Customizable AI Assistants: Tailor AI assistants with specific Confluence knowledge, empowering your teams with instant, relevant search results.
  • Advanced Search capabilities: Leverage AI-driven search to effortlessly navigate through Confluence’s extensive information repository, finding what you need with precision.
  • Role-Specific Accessibility: Implement role-based controls to manage who sees what, guaranteeing secure access to sensitive information.
  • Comprehensive Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of your Confluence content, with visibility into publishing dates, last modifications, and author details.
Knowzs Confluence Integration (1)

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